Our Services

Your are always in the right place – start designing the life you want now

 Are you waiting for the perfect time to reach the next level and think you are too tired or busy right now? My courses and programs are tailored for busy and ambitious women that wants quick results and inspiring, creative and simple steps to follow. Based on your current situation we create clarity in your next step in life.





Our Services

Your are always in the right place – start designing the life you want now

 Are you waiting for the perfect time to reach the next level and think you are too tired or busy right now? My courses and programs are tailored for busy and ambitious women that wants quick results and inspiring, creative and simple steps to follow. Based on your current situation we create clarity in your next step in life.


You decide what fits you best.

Do you want a more personalized support, as 1:1-coachingsessions?
Or do you want to take the steps by your own, through webinars, audio and workbooks?
Whatever you choose, my programs will give you the joyful movement you are looking for!

Online Courses

From Burnout to Brilliance

Do you find yourself tirelessly striving for success while neglecting your own well-being? Are the constant demands of your high-pressure role taking a toll on your physical and mental health?
Join Josefins program from Burnout to Brilliance, where she supports and empower you to safeguard against stress through 8 simple steps.


Next you

You have always had that drive, that desire but suddenly you lost the enthusiasm for things you used to love in your personal or professional life. In this step by step-method you get the keys to how you design the lifestyle you want in this chapter of your life.

Tell Me More!
“Coachingen gav mig nya tankar som jag inte tĂ€nkt pĂ„ lĂ€nge.

Den gav mig insikt om hur min verklighet, som jag gtar för given, med ett hjul som snurrar allt fortare. Jag inser att jag inte reflekterar över det utan endast agerar. Som resultat av detta har bÄde drömmar och fantasi försvunnit ur min agenda som Àr full av andras förvÀntningar, rÀdsla att inte hinna ikapp och korta tankar.

Coaching tillfÀllena har gett mig ett andningshÄl, dÀr det Àr okej att prioritera mig sjÀlv, fÄr mig att tÀnka nya tankar och tid för eftertanke om vad jag egentligen vill och vart jag egentligen Àr pÄ vÀg."

-Åsa/verksamhetschef inom offentlig verksamhet

One to one Coaching

Embark on a transformative journey with me! As an ICF-certified coach I will guide you through a proven and scientific method. I will give you a creative way of setting goals and unlocking your potential during our regular conversations, either by phone calls or digital meetings Insightful and exciting exercises and powerful questions will be addressed to your unique challenges and aspirations, providing tailored solutions.

Tell Me More!
“Jag hade bestĂ€mt mig för att jag behövde göra en förĂ€ndring nĂ€r jag tog kontakt

Jag behövde verktyg för att veta hur jag skulle gÄ till vÀga. Jag hade till viss del pÄbörjat ett förÀndringsarbete nÀr vi började coachingen, men med coachingens tankesÀtt har jag fÄtt till mig helt nya infallsvinklar och det har öppnat nya dörrar för jag vill landa i mitt nya WHY. Jag Àr pÄ en resa och inser nu att om jag bara kommer fram till vad jag vill göra/förÀndra sÄ Àr allt möjligt med rÀtt tankesÀtt och med smÄ steg."

-Maria/ jurist

Team & Group Coaching

Har du ett högpresterande team?

Befinner du dig i en komplex, mÄngfacetterad verksamhet dÀr kraven pÄ leverans skapar stress som ibland överskuggar teamets arbetsglÀdje? Eller har du som chef reflekterat över att dina medarbetare stÀller orimliga höga krav pÄ sig sjÀlv?

Alla vill vi göra vÄrt bÀsta och det hÀnder nÄgot med oss nÀr vi kÀnner oss otillrÀckliga eller att prestationsförmÄgan svajar. Genom att varva individuell coaching med gemensamma reflektionsövningar hittar varje medarbetare sina unika förmÄgor och nycklar till fokus, motivation och hÄllbart driv pÄ jobbet!

Tell Me More!
“Timing is everything. When we started our coaching...

I was in a difficult time in the closure of companies and the splitting of a partnership. I was incredibly tired of being a consultant (since years back in time) but that was who I "became". Professional identity crisis, everything and nothing felt possible. I couldn't sort and didn't have the ability to change direction, even though it was clearly what I wanted. Did not have ability, self-esteem or self-confidence.

Our meetings sorted out what was important and important to let go. It was a bit like I had the pieces of the puzzle, but everyone was upside down. Josefin's ability to question, listen and still take a large place of participation is extremely valuable and quite unusual I think. The combination of a solid coaching education (+ of course all the experiences she has gathered in her journey) and her generosity in personal examples, without being too private, has given me direction, focus, belief in the possibility of being able to influence and desire.

These are big issues we have dealt with, at the same time laughed at banal details and sometimes cried over situations that need to be changed. I have learned so much. About life. About me. About how important it is to live now. Now!!"

-Linda Holster, producer and business developer at her company Studio Holster



Become a part of my community, the facebookgroup From Burnout to Brilliance, where you get access to more tips and tools related to your new wellbeing and joyful lifestyle! Meet and chat with other women who wants more in life!

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