I Guide Female Leaders & High Achievers To Balance Ambition & Career Drive With a Pleasant Life Rhythm in 8 Simple Steps

For two decades, I navigated the complex world of high-end executive roles in the legal field. My personal journey, with so many voluntary shifts but also a unexpected wake up call, led to the creation of powerful programs and courses that I'm excited to share with you.
Are you ready for a shift in your life? I will give you a proven roadmap designed to take you to the next level in your life.


Women-We're the nurturers, the professionals, the leaders, the mothers.

Sound familiar?

Your days are a whirlwind of meeting everyone else's needs - partners, children, bosses, clients, friends, family. But where do you fit in this equation?

Let's be honest: you've mastered the art of putting yourself last. Your hopes, dreams, fears? They're gathering dust. Your stress, anxiety, emotional needs? Shoved to the back burner.

In the rush to be everything to everyone, have you lost sight of yourself?
When was the last time you truly paused? To listen to your inner voice, to consider your own needs and wants without that nagging guilt?
It's time to ask: In taking care of the world, have you forgotten to take care of you?

This isn't just your story. It's ours. And it's time we changed this script.



- konsten att balansera ambition och vÀlbefinnande i en högpresterande miljö





Learn More Here!

Gratis Masterclass

"It's All About You" 2 Day Masterclass 

[In English and Swedish]

Are you a female leader or professional in your 40s-50s who has lost your energy, drive, and passion? It's time to reclaim your life! Join us on September 14th-15th at 4pm (CEST) / 10am (EDT) via Zoom In English and 28th-29th Sept at 9am in Swedish for a transformative experience designed to help you return, rewire, and reset.

**Day 1: Return and Reflect**
**Day 2: Rewire and Reset**

This masterclass is perfect for successful women who have lost their enthusiasm for work and home life, expert professionals seeking to reclaim their drive, and those recovering from burnout or work-related stress. It's time to put yourself first, rediscover your passion, and create a life that excites and fulfills you.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life. Sign up now and take the first step towards a brighter, more energized future!

LÀs mer och boka masterclass pÄ svenska den 28-29 sep hÀr!
Read more and sign up for english masterclass sep 14-15th here!

My name is Josefin, and I work with women just like you... 


I started as a journalist after leaving my first work path as a hairdresser and after some years I left the newspaper for a law degree. The journey transitioned to several legal and managerial role in the public sector, spanning municipalities, courts and government agencies. For so many years it enriched my purpose - fostering democracy on the local stage.

But today I realize that with that formal and high performance environment did cost. After my wake up call in 2021 I decided to leave my dream job, and move on to place where my ambition and career drive is aligned with wellbeing, presence and a pleasant rhythm of life instead of hurry and pressure.

Life has an intriguing way of guiding us through uncharted paths, and as I reflect on my journey, the meaning becomes clear. This realization has given birth to a new chapter – today I run CoachbyrĂ„n, where I help other ambitious women to create a fulfilling life far from stress and hustle.

As an ICF-certified coach I use all my experiences in communication, law and leadership and my passion for people’s skills and growth. I would love to share all the simple, inspiring and deeply insightful steps I have taken with you you!


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Ready for the next level and next you?

Det Àr dina gamla tankar som har tagit dig dit du Àr idag. Vill du skapa plats för nya perspektiv? I mitt nyhetsbrev delar jag inspirerande tips och verktyg för en hÄllbar livsstil!.

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